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ViaNett Advanced Mobile System is a state of the art mobile service platform, which enables operators and media partners to market value-added mobile services to the end-user market.
Invest in tomorrows technology! |
AMS is designed with the next generation of messages in mind (EMS/MMS). AMS is a flexible and module based system, which makes it easy to implement new technology, services and content. |
ViaNett AMS is developed by ViaNett AS. The system is the result of seven years experience from the highly competitive and advanced Norwegian mobile-market and successful launch of services in seven different countries outside Scandinavia. AMS is a one-stop-shopping solution, which provides both content (logos, ringtones, picture messages etc.) applications (chat, voting, competition, flirt etc.) and billing towards telecom operators.
Fast deployment module
The module based system allows our partners to run an cost efficient, high-volume business in different market segment and markets at the same time, on a platform that are designed for fast deployment of new services and new technology.
Time and volume are critical factors in any successful, mobile service, and AMS is designed for success. We will provide the best mobile services at all times, and take full responsibility for deployment and operation of all services on a platform that meets the highest demands for reliability and security. But mobile services are not just about technology and infrastructure. It’s also about cost of operations and user-friendliness. Although AMS is a highly advanced software product, it’s designed to be operated by non technical-staff. That allows our partners to run a cost-efficient and scalable business.
AMS is separated in to three parts. Each part is divided into modules, which can be updated separately.
Customer Administration VCA is divided into two parts:
- Admin where You can register all your customers and campaigns.
- The extranet where your partners/customers can administrate their services.

Our list of references is growing rapidly. Contact us for updates! These are some of our partners on the AMS-system:
Norway: ECom Infuture Listepris
Portugal: SendIt / Innovagency
VCA contains the following services:
- Sport, to vote for the best player of the match.
- Subscription, to send news or results.
- Chat, on TV or through adds.
- Dating, with matchmaking based on profile.
- Sign Up, for special events and happenings.
- Competition
- Voting, on TV, Radio etc.
- Q & A.
- Flirt.
- Statistics.
Based upon worldwide agreements with telecom operators, ViaNett is operating a state of the art SMS Gateway for routing and billing of SMS messages.
The gateways also handles two other important services:
- Numberportabillity.
- Logging.
AMS Content base
AMS Content base is the system’s database structure for all mobile entertainment content. In the system every object can be maintained and steered from criteria’s, which can be controlled in one of the AMS’s support systems, AMS Content Management.
The criteria’s you can set on each element is:
- Owner of the object,
- Country the object are to be distributed,
- Language the object are to be expressed in,
- Active or passive status of the object.
ViaNett currently has 14.000 objects in 7 languages, for Nokia, Motorola, Ericsson and Siemens phones:
- Ringtones
- Logos
- Group graphics
- Picture Messages
- Flash
- Screensavers
- Dynamic SMS
More information at our
Mobile Webpage.
Avanserte løsninger for enkel kommunikasjon:
ViaNett Advanced Mobile System (ViaNett AMS)
SMS - MMS - mobilt Internet. ViaNett lanserer sin teknologiske plattform til betingelser du ellers ikke finner i markedet. Samtidig er ViaNett selv ikke leverandør av f.eks. innhold, hvilket gjør at du som innholdsleverandør kan samarbeid med oss om videreutvikling av din strategi.
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Årets produkt 2003:
ViaNett SMS nominert for andre år på rad!
Kapital Data har nominert de 60 beste it-produktene i forskjellige kategorier. ViaNett SMS er nominert i klassen for mobil produkter.
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Internasjonal mobil plattform
ViaNett Advanced Mobile System (ViaNett AMS)
ViaNett AMS er en komplett programpakke, beregnet på innholdsleverandører av ulike SMS-tjenester innenfor underholdning, varslingstjenester, mobil interaktivitet og bedriftsmarkedet. ViaNett AMS er "top-of-the-line" blant ViaNett's systemer for SMS og mobile løsninger. Markedet for ViaNett AMS er i første rekke innholdsleverandører og andre selskaper med stort volum på meldinger. Med dette produktet, er ViaNett i stand til å tilby løsninger for mindre bedrifter, og store internasjonale organisasjoner og selskaper!
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